Sunday, October 26, 2008

Whirlwind Trip to Kansas Part II

This shot of the kids in the hotel turned out great. What you don't see is the fifteen others I took trying to get them all to look at me and not the television or to stop touching each other, or to be still long enough for the camera to click. It was well worth it, could they be more adorable?

Two great shots of Baby Jonathan. He is such a good baby. He didn't mind all the kids trying to hold him or Anthony's version of loving on him or Hope swinging her hair in his face. He quickly learned to grab himself a handful of hair which made her stop it.

I was pretty impressed that Hope wanted to hold him. She was pretty facinated with him and how much he could do. I tend to forget she's not been around babies that much. This lasted about thirty seconds since Jonathan weighs almost as much as she does. She was trying to keep a brave face for the picture, but you could tell he was getting heavy for her as she started to droop.
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