Saturday, March 15, 2008

Holden's Birthday

I'm so far behind in posting it's not even funny. I know, I know. Who really reads this anyway? Still, I feel like a bad mom when I don't post and keep the masses informed of what's transpiring in our lives.
Here are the photos from Holden's birthday weekend. It started that on Thursday, his actual birthday, it was a snow day, as was Friday. Once he's in high school he will be grateful for this. In elementary school it's a bummer because they make a big deal in class over it. We did get to have his birthday party at the gymnastics center, which was a big hit for all after being cooped up inside with the sleet and snow. Holden had a melt down at the end because a girl hit him and he knew he shouldn't hit her back, but he really, really wanted to. There are some good ones of Tom running around with the kids I'll post next!

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