Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

What a great day! Tom and I had a wonderful time. I realized that it was his first time home in five years for Halloween. He hasn't been around for one (and it's our favorite holiday) since Hope was a baby.
Hope was a cowgirl complete with lasso rope and cowgirl hat she wanted Tom to wear halfway through trick or treating. This picture is of her before school. Doesn't she look happy?
Tom and I decided to have a short party before trick or treating was to begin. He created the games for them to play. The one with Holden (aka Indiana Jones) below is where the kids had to make it through the spooky haunted house with arms that were alive and couldn't touch you to get the silver apple. The kids thought it was great and had a good time. One of the other games we had was Dress Tom for Halloween. Tom couldn't decide what he wanted to be so we decided on a mummy. With everything going on he didn't have time to wrap himself so we let the kids do it. I think they enjoyed that the most. To his credit, he wore the wrappings through the housing area the whole time stopping every so often to pick up parts that had fallen off. The last picture is from Tom and I sitting on the swing waiting for trick or treaters (which didn't really come becasue of the construction). He pointed out the big spider right beside me and I thought it might be cool to try and get a picture of it with the luminaries in the background. Kind of turned out neat. Wish I had a better camera (perhaps for Christmas).

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